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Work Addiction

While working incessantly might make you feel good, it’s probably not good for you. If you are struggling to break a pattern of working long hours at the expense of other areas in your life, Dr. Cassidy Blair at Blair Wellness Group can help.

Find out about work addictions in greater depth, along with tips and how clinical treatment can help, by reading below.

What is A Work Addiction?

In our Western, modern culture, working night and day is seen as a virtue and something to be admired. Workaholics are often deemed driven, “go-getters” who are willing to sacrifice the present for future gain.

And while there is something to be said about such long-term discipline, workaholics often find themselves, years down the road, with nothing more to show for their life’s work aside from a career and an extra zero or two in their bank account.

In some ways, work addiction is similar to other behavioral addictions, such as shopping or gambling. Yet, it is fundamentally different in that it should be part of everyone’s life to some degree.

Studies estimate that the prevalence of work addiction among Americans is at least 10%, with up to 25% of employed individuals displaying excessive working short of genuinely addictive behavior.


Signs & Symptoms

Constantly thinking about how you can free up more time to work
Your self-worth is wrapped up in work performance
You work to lessen feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, or guilt
You’ve experienced relationship problems due to working too much
Work is used as a coping mechanism
Relapsing on overwork when you’ve tried to cut back in the past



Everyone’s situation is unique and therefore requires unique treatment to institute healthy habits and regain mental health. However, here are some general suggestions that you can try employing on your own.

Redefine success – Workaholics tend to be perfectionists who value achievements and recognition. Challenge yourself to redefine success — not only in your professional life — but to consider your relationships as well.
Intentional time management – Most of us have our smartphones all the time. For folks struggling with a work addiction, this means you might be a slave to your phone, incessantly checking email and/or your work chat. Consider “detoxing” from your phone, scheduling periods of the day where you and your phone are not in the same room.
Don’t go it alone – Remember, whatever situation you are in, that you are not alone. You can seek out clinical treatment, rely on friends and family, and inform coworkers you can confide in about what you are experiencing.


How We Can Help

Blair Wellness Group is a renowned Clinical Psychologist group based in Beverly Hills. We are passionate about applying our wisdom and experience to help others in a profound way. Blair Wellness Group offers direct services and concierge-style treatment of many kinds, from Life Coaching and Addiction Treatment to Stress Management and Relationship Treatment.

If you are interested in seeking clinical treatment in Beverly Hills, schedule an appointment with us at your convenience. Keep in mind that we also offer teletherapy for your convenience. We look forward to hearing from you!

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