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Concierge Care Exclusively Tailored for the Clinical Needs and Coaching Demands of Professional Men, Executives, Entrepreneurs, Attorneys, Physicians & Surgeons.

Concierge Care Exclusively Tailored for the Clinical Needs and Coaching Demands of Professional Men, Executives, Entrepreneurs, Attorneys, Physicians & Surgeons.

Why You Need Professional Clinical Intervention for Depression from a Licensed Psychologist

Depression is one of the most common Mental Health Disorders among adults of all ages. However, many people still believe Depressive Disorders to be a temporary mood swing or a simple mindset that you can easily overcome.  

Reality could not be any further from the truth. Depression is a severe Mental Health Disorder that, like any other medical condition, requires professional treatment from a skilled and knowledgeable expert. That’s why seeing a Licensed Clinical Psychologist for treatment is an essential step in creating lasting, positive change and treatment success for yourself and your loved ones. Read on to learn more about why you require professional intervention for Depressive Disorders and see how treatment from an expert mental health professional can help. 

Depression Is More Than Just Sadness 

One of the most popular misconceptions about Depression is that it’s just a bout of sadness. Not only is this inaccurate, but it’s also a dangerous belief for people affected by Depression and other Depressive Disorders. After all, if your symptoms are just a by-product of a temporary low period, then you may not need immediate professional intervention.  

But Depression is a serious Mental Health Disorder that persists and worsens over time without necessary treatment and intentional intervention under the care of a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. The mental, emotional, and physical symptoms that stem from Depression impact your work performance, social relationships, intimacy issues, hobbies, and overall quality of life. Trying to overcome your Depression on your own can exacerbate these issues, leading to worsening of the symptoms, growing feelings of isolation, lack of performance in your work and life, relationship discord, suicidal ideation, medical ailments, and other barriers that make it harder to seek necessary help. 

Depression Has a Serious Impact on Your Health 

To truly understand the significance of Depressive Disorders, you need to understand the different challenges they can present to your health and overall quality of life or functioning. Symptoms of Depression can be mental, emotional, and physical. There are also several Mental Health Disorders that are frequently comorbid with Depressive Disorders, including Anxiety, Personality Disorders and/or Addiction Disorders. 

Mental and Emotional Symptoms 

Many of Depression’s symptoms are mental or emotional. In addition to feelings of sadness, individuals with a Depressive Disorder can feel helpless, worthless, guilty, or pessimistic about life. Frustration and irritability are also common.  

Listlessness, lethargy, anhedonia, weight loss/gain, and fatigue can also stem from Depression. You might lose interest in things that you were once passionate about. This can lead to you pulling away from friends and family, losing motivation at work, and dropping out of hobbies or interests that once brought meaning, joy, loss of libido, and fulfilment to your life. 

Other mental symptoms of Depression include difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, memory problems, anger, impulsivity, seeking addictive behaviors, and other issues that make it hard to think clearly. This hinders your decision-making skills, which is another way that Depression makes it difficult to seek professional treatment. Similarly, Depressive Disorders can cause insomnia, restlessness, and fatigue, all of which exacerbate other emotional and physical symptoms. 

Physical Symptoms 

There are also many physical symptoms of Depression. Aches and pains—such as headaches, migraines, insomnia, oversleeping, bodily aches, digestive issues, and cramps—are extremely common. These aches are often persistent and do not easily subside with normal treatment or self-medication. Some people also experience digestive issues, overeating, undereating, or other changes in appetite that lead to abnormal weight loss or weight gain. 

If left untreated, Depression can cause serious physical health conditions. Severe changes in your appetite, sleep patterns, and other behaviors can lead to a higher risk of heart disease, obesity, stroke, and other physical health problems.  

Treating these physical conditions without addressing the Mental Health Disorder at the root of the problem is only a short-term solution. However, seeking professional mental health treatment from an expert Licensed Clinical Psychologist will help you overcome the physical, mental, and emotional symptoms of Depression, improving your overall sense of well-being and functioning. 

Comorbid Disorders 

Comorbidity describes Mental Health Conditions that occur alongside each other. Depression can be comorbid with a wide range of disorders, and their comorbidity presents unique challenges that call for equally unique treatment. Here are some examples of Mental Health Disorders that commonly occur alongside Depressive Disorders:  

  • General Anxiety 
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 
  • Alcohol Addiction 
  • Drug and Substance Abuse 
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 
  • Personality Disorders 
  • Eating Disorders 
  • Addictive Behaviors 

Comorbid conditions tend to exacerbate one another. For example, someone with Depression might start drinking more to cope with their symptoms. But because substance abuse is a maladaptive coping technique, the individual will not get long-term relief from drinking. This maladaptive coping skill worsens feelings of helplessness and frustration over time. At the same time, the increased reliance on alcohol can become an Addiction Disorder that leads to isolation, Anxiety, inability to function, medical problems such as liver disease or weight gain, and other self-destructive behaviors. The two conditions create a cyclical effect, feeding into each other while making it difficult to distinguish between the two.  

Depressive Disorder and Suicide 

Thoughts of self-harm and suicide are the most serious symptoms of Depressive Disorders. When Depression becomes an overwhelming part of your everyday life, suicide can feel like a way out, but it is not. You should never disregard thoughts or talk of suicide. This is a sign that you need immediate professional intervention for Depression and should seek urgent treatment from an expert mental health professional. 

How Does Treatment Help? 

A Licensed Clinical Psychologist has the experience and knowledge to help you see your Depressive Disorder clearly. With their guidance, you can understand the root of your Depression and how it affects your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Professional psychological treatment teaches you to recognize Depression as a medical condition rather than an unchanging reality you simply must suffer through. Your expert Licensed Clinical Psychologist will also teach you how to modify negative thoughts and emotions, be productive, allowing you to build a positive mindset, enjoy a fulfilling life, and maintain control over your thoughts and behaviors. 

Licensed Clinical Psychologists use a wide range of different evidence-based therapies and treatment modalities to successfully intervene with Depressive Disorders. Some of these evidence-based treatment models include the following: 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy 
  • Interpersonal Therapy 
  • Psychodynamic Therapy 
  • Psychoanalytic Therapy 
  • Acceptance and Commitment Treatment 
  • Mentalization-Based Treatment 
  • Supportive Treatment 
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

Every patient faces unique challenges with their Depression. By combining multiple evidence-based treatment models, Licensed Clinical Psychologists can create a unique, tailored treatment approach that specifically addresses the unique individual experiences and symptoms you are dealing with. 

Blair Wellness Group Can Help 

Starting professional treatment is not always easy, but it is a crucial step in the recovery process. Once you start working with a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who has experience and knowledge in treating Depressive Disorders, you will see positive and tangible results in your life and functioning over time. 

At Blair Wellness Group, we strive to help our clients overcome their symptoms of Depression and achieve their clinical objectives. With Concierge-style service and a comprehensive range of treatment options, Dr. Blair and her team create positive, lasting solutions for patients dealing with Depression. Learn more about our Depression treatment in Newport Beach and the surrounding area when you reach out today. 

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