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Concierge Care Exclusively Tailored for the Clinical Needs and Coaching Demands of Professional Men, Executives, Entrepreneurs, Attorneys, Physicians & Surgeons.

Concierge Care Exclusively Tailored for the Clinical Needs and Coaching Demands of Professional Men, Executives, Entrepreneurs, Attorneys, Physicians & Surgeons.


Healthy Steps Toward Overcoming Social Media Addiction

Like any Addiction Disorder, Social Media Addiction is a serious Mental Health Disorder with significant symptoms and consequences. Social Media Addiction is a form of behavioral addiction. Individuals with a Social Media Addiction struggle with uncontrollable urges to check social media, excessive concern regarding their online personas, and obsession over attention they receive or fail to receive, on social platforms.

Those with Social Media Addiction experience many of the same symptoms of alcoholism or other Addiction Disorders, including withdrawal symptoms and increased tolerance or use of social media over time. If you experience a Social Media Addiction, you need to treat it as you would any type of Addiction Disorder. Learn more about the healthy steps for overcoming Social Media Addiction and see how you can get the professional treatment you need.

Take the Problem Seriously

If you have a Social Media Addiction, the first thing you need to do is address the problem as a real and serious Mental Health Disorder. Ignoring the issue or pretending it doesn’t exist will only worsen your symptoms and create greater consequences in the future. While a minor addiction to social media might not seem that disruptive to your life, it can quickly grow into an intense preoccupation that hinders your free time, relationships, professional growth, and more.

Addressing the problem is the first step toward overcoming Social Media Addiction. By taking your Addiction Disorder seriously, you can get the help you need to heal from your addiction and regain control over your life.

Ease Away From Social Media

Many individuals with Addiction Disorders cut the addictive substance or behavior out of their lives entirely. For example, many alcoholics overcome their addiction with complete sobriety. However, completely abstaining from social media is nearly impossible in today’s society.

Therefore, Licensed Clinical Psychologists recommend easing away from social media rather than quitting completely and abruptly. By establishing control and healthy social media habits, you can find a way to balance your online presence with your real-life relationships.

Make Peace With Existing on Your Own

The ability to sit down with yourself and evaluate your thoughts and feelings without any distraction is crucial. Experiencing your own negative emotions can be daunting, which is why many people turn to social media as a way to cope with loneliness or suffering.

By learning to live with yourself and deal with the depths of your pain and suffering, you can better address the roots of the issues that create an unhealthy attachment to social media. If you can be at peace with yourself and your emotions while you’re alone, you can manage stress and negative thoughts without becoming dependent on external coping mechanisms.

Find Professional, Individualized Treatment

There is no single, surefire way to treat Social Media Addiction. Instead, Licensed Clinical Psychologists must take an individualized approach to their clients’ addictions. By addressing the unique issues beneath your addictive behavior, a Skilled Psychologist can help you work through the urges and insecurities that lead to excessive social media usage.

At Blair Wellness Group, we know that a personalized approach is the most effective way to treat Mental Health Disorders. As an experienced Addiction Psychologist, Dr. Blair offers professional, customized treatment plans that will help you overcome your Social Media Addiction. Contact our team today and take the first step toward regaining peace and control in your life.

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