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Concierge Care Exclusively Tailored for the Clinical Needs and Coaching Demands of Professional Men, Executives, Entrepreneurs, Attorneys, Physicians & Surgeons.

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Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, Mood Disorders, and Other Side Effects of COVID-19

Is it difficult to remember the last time you felt a sense of normalcy in your life? The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has not only put our physical health in danger, it’s created turmoil in our daily lives. Changes in routine, social distancing, loss of jobs, fear of the unknown — these are just a few of the by-products of COVID-19, and they are taking a toll on many individuals, both mentally and emotionally. 

The media has been focused on reporting statistics surrounding diagnosed cases and hospitalizations. Although the immediate urgency of preventing the spread is of primary concern, we are only just seeing the tip of the iceberg on how COVID-19 is affecting the population.    

In today’s post from Blair Wellness Group of Beverly Hills, we’d like to discuss some of the symptoms that can manifest as a result of dealing with prolonged stress, social isolation, and other hardships faced during COVID-19. If you or someone you love is struggling, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Just as you would seek care if you experienced symptoms of Coronavirus, it’s imperative to seek help to maintain positive mental and emotional health during this trying time. Keep reading to learn more.     

The Many Faces of Stress

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a rollercoaster of anxiety and fear for most people and the unrelenting social media posts and news stories only fuel the fire. Being faced with health concerns, social event cancellations, school closures, and economic hardships with no knowledge of when it will all end creates an environment that can be summed up in one word — stressful.

Under “normal” circumstances, stress is often managed through healthy forms of release. Although different for everyone, some coping mechanisms may include seeking out social support groups, attending church, or just enjoying a day of fun and relaxation socializing with others at a community event, family celebration, or other group gatherings. Unfortunately, many of these stress outlets have been made inaccessible to curb the spread of COVID-19. 

Depression and Anxiety

Everyone reacts to stress differently. Some people adopt unhealthy coping mechanisms and increase their dependency on alcohol or opioid medication. Others find themselves taking their frustrations out on others — creating relationship issues and hurting those they love most with verbal or physical abuse. Perhaps one of the most common ways of dealing with stress is to not deal with it at all. Instead of finding healthy ways to manage stress appropriately, many choose to internalize their feelings, becoming depressed or anxious to the point where it affects their daily lives. 


Right now, we live in a world where it’s hard to think of anything except the constant threat of coronavirus and how it’s drastically changing our day-to-day lives. It’s what everyone is talking about and the fact that you simply can’t seem to escape it can make some seek out unhealthy ways to achieve some peace. 

Excess use of alcohol and opioids are some of the most common forms of addiction, and people seeking a way to disconnect from what is going on around them may find themselves turning to one of these vices more and more often. Unfortunately, using drugs or alcohol only provides a temporary escape — and it usually exacerbates the very problems you are trying to avoid such as health concerns, relationship problems, and so forth. 

Overcoming addiction and finding positive ways to manage stress is the best way to deal with the current world we live in, and you don’t have to do it all on your own. Blair Wellness Group in Beverly Hills can help you through this complex and difficult journey. With patience and understanding, we’ll help you gain long-term sobriety through one-on-one sessions and proven treatments.     

Relationship Issues

Social distancing and stay-at-home orders have many people spending a considerable amount of time with their housemates. Although working from home or spending extra time with loved ones doesn’t sound like a bad compromise, eventually, having to remain in close quarters for an extended period of time can create problems for even the closest of couples or the best of friends. For those who were on poor terms to begin with or were already a victim of abuse, having to spend even more time under the same roof can spell disaster for a relationship.

Whatever you’re experiencing in your relationship, it’s important to remember that you may not be able to resolve things on your own. Even matters that you may want to keep private, such as abuse or intimacy issues, can be overcome with professional help from an experienced and highly-regarded relationship psychologist like Dr. Blair. 

Treatment and Safety During COVID-19

At Blair Wellness Group, your health and safety is our number one priority. We also understand that you may not always have the time or desire to make a trip to our office. That’s why we are proud to offer teletherapy services to all of our clients. Also known as virtual treatment or telephone sessions, teletherapy offers clients a convenient way to get the treatment they need, when they need it — and it can be done from any location.

Blair Wellness Group goes one step further to meet the needs of our clients by offering concierge services that can be paid for on an as-needed basis without having to rely on insurance. This allows them to avoid limitations in treatment and provides the utmost confidentiality in their mental health records. As a concierge client, you’ll also receive priority scheduling that allows you to make your appointments when they are convenient for you — including lunchtime, nighttime, and weekends. 

Make Your Appointment With Dr. Blair, Esteemed in Beverly Hills, Irvine, and Newport Beach Psychologist

Dr. Cassidy Blair is a licensed clinical psychologist offering personalized treatment for a variety of conditions including depression, addiction, depression, personality disorders, and more. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental and emotional challenges linked to the current health pandemic, please consider calling to schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!

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