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Reasons for Making Mental Health a Priority in Post-Pandemic Life

It’s been over a year since life took such a dramatic turn and terms like social distancing and sheltering in place became part of daily vocabulary. Now, as we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel and a return to a greater sense of normalcy, it’s essential to not lose sight of the importance of positive mental health in post-pandemic life. The coronavirus has affected everyone in some way. Social isolation, sickness, loss, fear, anxiety, and constant change are just a few of the things most people have had to deal with, and it’s taken a tremendous toll on our mental health. 


Even though things seem to be getting “better” as more people are getting vaccinated and social distancing restrictions are being lifted, now is not the time to become complacent about mental health. For many, daily life has permanently changed and everyone is still struggling to make sense of everything that has happened in the past year. Whether you’re ready to face the future with a new sense of appreciation and resilience or you’re still struggling to come to terms with the loss and change that has impacted your life, we encourage you to reach out to an anxiety psychologist who can help. Contact Blair Wellness Group in Beverly Hills for treatment for anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, and more. 

Social Anxiety


Human beings are social creatures by nature, so it may come as no surprise that limiting social interaction for an extended period of time can have a negative impact on psychological health. While many people have been counting down the days until they can plan social events and re-engage with family and friends in person, for some, they may find it difficult or even feel anxious about socializing again after being isolated for such a long time.


Relationship Issues


The pandemic has also taken a toll on relationships as many couples have had to learn to coexist with each other, possibly working from home, and spending more time together than they ever did in the past. Although the extra quality time may have been a good thing at first, eventually many couples found that the change in routine and lack of personal time put a strain on their relationship.


Grief and Loss


Perhaps one of the biggest stressors linked to the pandemic is having to deal with loss. With millions of people worldwide contracting the virus, almost everyone knows someone who has gotten seriously ill or succumbed to it. Besides losing loved ones, people have also had to deal with the loss of their job or business and had to miss out on important life experiences such as graduations and birthdays. Even though the pandemic may be nearing the end, it has left an enduring scar on the hearts and minds of many — one that requires acknowledgment and understanding to heal. 


Make Mental Health a Priority and Look Forward To a Brighter Future


No matter how the pandemic has affected you, it’s important to remember that even in the best situations, just about everyone has had to deal with constant uncertainty and change that no doubt has had an effect on their mental health. An anxiety psychologist can help you come to terms with what has happened in the past and offer guidance on how you can cope with whatever comes your way in the future. If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or grief as a result of the pandemic, or you just want to strengthen your mental and emotional well-being, we encourage you to contact Blair Wellness Group to schedule an appointment.    


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