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Drug Addiction and Sexual Addiction

Drug Addiction and Sexual Addiction, Part 1

We all know that the focus of drug addiction is the psychological and physical need for and dependence on drugs of various kinds. Further, as the term “sex addiction” indicates, it is generally recognized that there is some psychological need for an obsession with one or more forms of sexual behavior. What is not so commonly considered is the linkage between drug addiction and sex addiction. Rather than being relatively simple addictions, the linkage between drugs addiction and sex addiction is more complex.


Morality, not an Issue:


To begin with, while many people may feel that the use of drugs, and, therefore, the addiction to drugs, maybe a moral issue, for most people drug addiction is a matter of habit, habituated behavior, some obsessive need for the physical and psychological effects of drugs on the human body. The situation in regard to sex addiction is not so clear-cut. There is often imposed the matter of morality as an important consideration of sexually addictive behavior. However, thought about sex addiction should be separated from matters of morality. While issues related to morality may be relevant for some individuals, this is not the case for all. Most sex addicts ignore that matter of morality in the pursuit of their addiction, but it may arise afterward.


Chemical changes and psychological effects:


In other ways, however, the relationship between drug addiction and sex addiction is close because both are related to chemical changes affected in the brain causing psychological effects. This similarity is enhanced when some sex addicts discover that the effects of drug use contributes to a more satisfying response or result from the sexual activity. On the other hand, for some people, drug use might serve as a pretext or justification for sexually addictive behavior. Thus, while there may be a close relationship between these two types of addictive behavior, it is important to remember, also, that they are two distinctive forms of addiction. However, with the close relationship between them for some people, in the association, they can contribute to repetitive behaviors.


Not Directly related to existing interpersonal relationships:


In its addictive patterns, sex addiction is not necessarily related to any interpersonal relationships that the sex addict might have, even when cases of infidelity are involved. Often, the sex addict does not closely relate to the personality of any sex partner. The sex partner is not the object of love or affection, but, in a way, is merely a tool–the human body that the sex addict needs to fulfill his or her demands for sexual satisfaction. As strange as it may seem, some sex addicts do not enjoy sex in the same way that non-sex addicts might. For them, it is a way to stimulate the release of chemicals in the brain to produce a desired physical and psychological result, not for the purposes of expressing love.


No personal feelings for sex partners:


The fact that the sex addict may not have any personal feelings for the sex partner is the source of problems. For the sex addict, a sex partner is just a number, the one being used this time. Next time it will be someone else. What this means is that sex addicts may be promiscuous, having many anonymous sex partners. In some ways, this is like the drug addict who might share needles or engage in some form of personally or socially destructive behavior while using drugs. In both cases, not only may the life of the addict be endangered, but the lives of other people may be endangered, as well. Sex addicts may initiate and take part in high-risk behaviors, like multiple anonymous sex partners and/or unprotected sex,


Immediate gratification:


The object in the sex act, like the object in using drugs, is the relatively immediate gratification that the activity produces. It is after the immediate effects of the act, some form of sex and/or some form of drug use, that, for some people, other reactions may develop in regard to morality, shame, guilt, and remorse. However, this is not true for all drug and sex addicts. Instead of leading to the decision to change the behaviors causing these feelings, without some compensating input, they may lead to a repeat of the addictive behaviors.


Your psychologist can help:


The complex matter of entwined drug and sex addiction is a condition which is treatable through a variety of psychological interventions and treatments. The first step in alleviating drug addiction or sex addiction or some combination of both is to start talking to a best psychologist who will help you to identify the source of your problems and create means and methods to alleviate the need for these behaviors.



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